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How to Communicate with Someone with Hearing Loss – 10 Strategies for Success

If a spouse, family member or close friend is diagnosed with hearing loss, they will definitely  experience some dramatic changes to their way of life. There are steps you can take in order to help those you care about adjust to their hearing impairment; the most important is learning how to communicate with them in order to make it easier on both of you.
The following communication tips will help ensure your conversations with the hearing-impaired are as productive as possible.
  1. Maintain eye contact with the hearing-impaired individual. Face them directly and do not try to talk to them from another room or when facing another direction. People with hearing loss rely on visual cues to help them better understand and follow conversations.
  2. Before beginning a conversation, make sure you have the other person’s attention. Make it a habit to state their name so they know you are addressing them; this will help them focus on what you are saying.
  3. Speak slowly and concisely. Some people can’t resist shouting, thinking that will make them easier to understand, but instead it causes distorted speech and makes your words harder to understand. Try pausing between sentences to make sure your conversation partner understands what you are saying.
  4. Make sure your face is visible at all times. Don’t cover it up with your hands or other objects; people with hearing loss often find lip reading helpful, as it can serve to fill in “blank spots” in the conversation.
  5. Don’t eat and drink while talking. Even if you’re meeting over lunch or out on a dinner date, wait until you have finished chewing before speaking, or agree to put the conversation on pause until you are finished with your meal.
  6. Hold your conversation in a quiet area free. Background noise is distracting and can cause your companion to miss out on crucial parts of the conversation.
  7. Repeat yourself as often as necessary. If the person with whom you are speaking is struggling to understand what you’re saying, try substituting a different word or rephrasing your sentence. Avoid using complex words and phrases.
  8. Write down any important information. To ensure your hearing-impaired companion doesn’t miss out on anything especially important, it’s a good idea to write it down for them to review later. You might try jotting down the topic of conversation and sharing it with them in advance, as well.
  9. Pay attention to your listener. Your hearing-impaired companion might be too shy or embarrassed to admit they haven’t understood something you have said. Watch for signs of confusion and offer to clarify or repeat what you have said if you believe they did not understand you.
  10. Do not monopolize the entire conversation. Communication is a two-way street, and it’s important to give the other person an opportunity to speak without interrupting.
These tips are pretty straightforward and easy to implement. Try them out the next time you have a conversation with somebody who has difficulty hearing and you both are sure to notice a difference! For more communication tips, speak to your Audiologist at the Hearing Institute of Ontario.

At the Hearing Institute of Ontario, your hearing health is important to us.
Contact our Mississauga, Oakville or Scarborough office for a FREE consultation with our knowledgeable and experienced audiologists, to discuss the best hearing solution for your hearing loss type.

Differences Between an Audiologist and a Hearing Instrument Dispenser

Audiologists and Hearing Instrument Specialists are both professionals trained to evaluate, diagnose, and treat hearing and balance issues, but their roles, educational backgrounds, and scopes of practice differ. Here are some key differences:

Educational Background


Hearing Instrument Specialist

audiologist vs HID educational background
audiologist vs HID scope of practice

Scope of Practice


Hearing Instrument Specialist

Regulatory Bodies


Hearing Instrument Specialist

audiologist vs HID services provided

Services Provided


Hearing Instrument Specialist

All client care at Hearing Institute of Ontario is provided by certified Audiologists who are registered with the College of Audiologists and Speech Language Pathologists of Ontario


Book your no cost, no obligation hearing test today. Learn if you have a hearing loss and get expert advice from our certified audiologist about  how to improve your hearing.

Call us today at 1-888-664-2999 or use the green button below to schedule your free hearing test and get started on your journey to better hearing.


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Buy one hearing aid and get the second for free.

This offer applies to our most popular hearing aid models from Signia, Phonak and Widex. Call 1‑888‑664‑2999 today to book your no‑cost, no‑obligation consultation!

Conditions: Offer expires May 31, 2023 and applies to the purchase of any Premium technology hearing aids from Signia, Widex and Phonak. Private sales only. Standard dispensing fee applies to both hearing aids.